Object Oriented PHP Course at Udemy

Together with the GNNEXT team, I designed and administrated the system portal of CNPG (Attorneys General’s National Council) from 2008 to 2011.
I was responsible for the migration of the previous technological solution (ASP and Orcale database) to the new, open source project. The new system managed the Group’s content (News, Events, Archives) and had an intranet with restricted access and a private content management system.
I have a lot of experience using and developing WordPress. I have already worked with WordPress in multiple situations such as institutional websites, blogs, intranets, internal knowledge base respositories and e-commerce systems with woocommerce.
One of the biggest challenges of maintaining a wordpress system is taking care of the security of such platform. Many wordpress websites use different plugins and extensions. To keep all this software updated, verified and audited requires attention and experience.
Since 2001, I dedicated much of my development experience with PHP and MySQL to the management of several web systems for companies, public entities, associations through my company GNNEXT.
In this situation, I implemented CRMs, payment management and financial control systems, administrative control modules, event management, budget control, data issuance for IR, online betting systems, issuance of documents, automated mechanisms and integration with different systems from other companies (with banks, construction companies, suppliers, etc.)
During this time, I also worked with migration between platforms and complex database systems that needed to be converted to open source platforms (PHP, MySQL, Linux).
There were many years of requisites, specification, concepts, models, development, debug, documentation, testing, automation, auditing and finally, delivery. I actively participated in all areas of the development process of a web system, not only as a team manager, but also as a developer and a code auditor.
The SITREP system was developed for a classification society company. It was responsible for integrating several areas of the company such as the emission of digital certificates, scheduling inspections (for its customers and the maritime authority).
The project was discontinued in 2018 and will return soon as GNNAV.